Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mean People Suck....

Can I just say that I am really getting tired of defending Hcg.

It works. And when you finish, you make lifestyle changes, you eat better and exercise and thats how you dont put it all back on. JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE!!!

People can put it down all they want all I know is that Im 50 pounds lighter and way healthier than I was on New Years Day. By this next New Years Im going to be healthier and fitter than I have ever been. Who cares how it came off??? As long as I commit to a healthier new me Im golden!

One more thing, why do people get offended if I sell Hcg??? Why wouldnt I want to share this with the world? I make a profit and they get to lose 20-30 pounds in a month?

Just had to get that off my chest.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

HCG Approved Lotions and Pampering Procucts By - products and services from HCG Diet Connection

 The HCG Homeopathic Sublingual Drops and Diet Protocol is the most exciting development in medical weight loss! At HCG Diet Connection we understand what it's like to embark on a life changing journey like the HCG Protocol because, just like you, we have all been down that road.  When you make your purchase with us you also get coaching, support, tips, menu suggestions, recipes and an online community of others commited to your success.  Buy Your Drops Today and Begin Your Journey ...

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Monday, April 12, 2010

On Maintenance!

Im on maintenance now! Just let me confess upfront that I have been BAD! BUT I am back on track and being serious about staying on track. My first day of maintenance was last Wednesday which would have been 5 days ago. BUT I stopped my water intake and worked out on Thursday. I have totally confused my body and now it's rebelling. To top it off I celebrated my daughters birthday and cheated a Little. And by a little I mean I ate 2 tortillas and a slice of cake (no frosting), and then to top it off I drank 2 mock margaritas and of course they had sugar in them.. BAD MISTY! I found out for myself what I have preached all along that once you start down that compromising cheaters trail something sets off a trigger and you almost feel convinced you have lost all self control.

Well confession is good for the soul so I have come clean and vetted all my weaknesses. Now it's time to FOCUS on being good to myself because I AM WORTH IT!!! I AM WORTH THE SACRIFICE! And in the end I feel great and happier!

Moving onward and upward!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

HCG R2P2D24 199.0 = 21 lbs Released

Well I broke through the 200's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So this is what the 100's feel like? HAHAHA!

Im determined to lose another 4 pounds by Wednesday!!!! This is my goal! Why? Well here is my strategy.

Last round I lost 26 pounds. I want to PROVE that it can be done 2 rounds in a row. So much is said about how your second and third rounds of HCG may not be as successful. I disagree completely. I truly believe that if you take a 3 week break in between rounds you will have equal success.

The problem is..... I can think of 3-4 instances on this last round where I messed up:
  1. Four times I can clearly remember barely drinking 1 liter of water for my days consumption.
  2. I was using a Mexican Chile Salt product for half of the program not realizing it had sugar.
  3. I ate salmon one day. I COMPLETELY forgot it is a FORBIDDEN FISH!!! Yikes!
  4. I used sugar free Coffee Creamer for three mornings. It has oils... =-(

Now in spite of all that I still have awesome weight loss BUT I'm basically the guinnea pig for all my clients. I want to make sure I am encouraging you and setting a good example.

So for these last few days of the program I am going to be so careful and strict with myself. No more lazy attitudes!

Wish me luck!


Check out my website at

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

HCG R2P2D17 202.6 = 18 lbs Released


Well today is Day 17 and I have released 18 pounds I am BETTER than on track! Im so excited to share what I think is the KEY to CONTINUAL weightloss on the HCG Sublingual Drops. Even though you can stay on them for as long as you need to hit your goal, I truly believe the 28 maintenance break I gave myself has been key to my success!

I have read the blogs and heard how many people hit a plateau or experience a slllooowwwer weightloss. On the contrary I have done better than my first round!

Another real exciting moment, I am so close to being outside the 200's and into the 100's!!!!! YAY! This means I will no longer be considered OBESE! I have not been in the 100's since 1991 I think! Im so proud of myself.

I think I shared before that I was going to try mixing my veggies and I have with fine results. As you can see it hasn't done any harm. I also wanted to share this info. Last round I started my TOM in my my second week on the protocol. THIS time I started midway through my second week. Last time I didnt gain or lose anything. THIS time I continue to lose. Who knows.

Talk to you all real soon!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

HCG R2P2D7 209.6 = 11 lbs Released

Well Im back on the program!

I did not put on weight while on maintenance. YAY!

I just completed Day 7 of the VLCD and have released 11 pounds!! Now to be clear I put on 4 pounds on my 2 days of binging so I have lost those 4 pounds PLUS 7 new ones.

I am enjoying this second round and am having the same incredible results.

Vlog Update:
I TRIED! But apparently it was too long. So I have to try again. Stay tuned.....

Thank you so much for checking out the website it's been so exciting getting to know all of you.
